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Travel to Skardu, Pakistan | Ultimate guide to travel Islamabad to skardu by road

Travel to the mountain city of Skardu is possible only through flight. There are daily flights from Islamabad and Karachi to this place, operated by the national airline PIA. The flight duration is around 30-40 minutes. The flight to Skardu costs around $80 to $200 per person, one way. It is not advisable to travel to Skardu by road, as the terrain is difficult for aircraft. However, flying into the city is far safer than road travel.

While traveling to Skardu, you may want to take some time to visit a local farm. Fish farms are common in Skardu and the ones around Saling are especially good. Saling fish is a type of river trout that is incredibly delicious, especially when cooked with Pakistani masala. Fish farming in the area is a fun way to spend an afternoon while exploring the area. It is also a great way to save money!

If you're traveling by air, you'll arrive at the Skardu Airport, Pakistan's highest. At 2,230 meters above sea level, the airport is surrounded by towering peaks and is notorious for tricky landings. Nonetheless, it's worth the trip to explore the region. Aside from being a spectacularly scenic airport, the region is also home to some interesting places, like the ancient ruins of Baltistan.

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